Maybe the medicine made him feel better, I supposed.

This time he didn’t fight me though, and when I inserted the tube he closed his eyes, stretched his neck, and let out a noise that can only be described as a moan of pure ecstasy. He then went and jumped up on the table where we’d done the application the night before and meowed louder and louder until I decided I guess we will go ahead and do the medicine treatment. Well the next day he was acting strange, he has always been an independent cat, rarely coming around, never wanting to be held, but as I sat on the couch he started walking back and forth meowing and rubbing my leg. The first time was absolute hell, my cat fought me the whole time but once the tube was in and the medicine pushed out he seemed to calm quite a bit. So, the vet suggested using a small dropper tube to insert the medicine directly into his anus. The vet gave me some anti biotic drops to put in his food but when I’d do that Franki wouldn’t touch it. So my cat, Franki, recently came down with a pretty severe stomach virus.

The players would all be non-benders or standard benders that work in a resistance cell trying to locate the new avatar who has been missing for decades. But more than that, they figure out that they can essentially cut pieces of Raava and bind them with benders to give them the capability of essentially becoming less powerful avatars. Meanwhile a master light bender figures out a way to reverse Amon's technique, that fire and light is just a form of manipulating energy. So the new earth avatar is basically imprisoned in a hologram or VR world where they are pretty happy. I think I want light benders to be a variation of fire benders that make really cool VR holographic chambers. I was thinking about it more and I think I would make the plot something along the lines of the identity of the avatar reincarnation into the earth nation was kept secret as a kabal of benders decided that one avatar was not enough. I think it would be fun and this map def would help. Like a near future where the next Avatar is trying to bring balance back to the world in a modern/cyber punk type setting. I totally want to run a game set in something I read off this sub. So there is a PBtA game called Legend of the Elements that is "heavily inspired" by Avatar. These avatar themed subreddits are fully or partially run by moderators of /r/TheLastAirbender They build towards LoK and answer some questions left at the end of ATLA. There are several main comics which take place shortly after ATLA.

Avatar Studios formed, lead by Mike & Bryan.